More on Australia’s ‘Concentration Camps’
Mr. Tissa Devendra (‘The Island’ 03.07.09) is rightly saddened "at the readiness" by two ladies (Anne Abayasekera and Marie) "to believe the worst about their homeland Sri Lanka, and amused at their naive enthusiasm for Australia’s decency". TD must reconcile himself to some facts as regards the Sri Lankan middle and upper middle classes and members of our NGO/INGO, Cocktail, Club, and Social Circuits generally. Among them there are many Anne Abayasekeras and "Maries" and male counterparts! And what about our Journalistic Circuits? "Annes" and "Maries" etc., abound, like, in my view, Shanie and Tisaranee of ‘The Island’ Group, and most of the ‘S/Leader’ Group. These people have eyes only for alleged lapses in and by their own country. Naturally they don’t see the other side. If one is at a gathering of people composed of members of the above groups, to which I must add political supporters of the current UNP, what one will invariably hear is a non-stop tirade against their own country. So let’s not be too worried about them, TD.
There is yet another category of people I must refer to here who may be said to be on the same wave length as our Annes, Maries, Shanies, et al. These are those who make a trip or two to some western countries, or who have domiciled abroad for one reason or another, and who on their return or on a visit back home, tell us how great that country is, compared to their native country, how decent their people are, how much they earn etc., etc., all this in a vicious and vituperative comparison with their poor ole Sri Lanka. One whiff of foreign air is sufficient for them to defecate on their own country. Let’s suffer them, TD, as what cannot be cured must be endured. Its a disease common to may expatriates.