Dayan: Short shrift served

Totally unacceptable that Ambassador Dayan Jayatilleka has been recalled - at such short notice and in spite of H E the President extending his term of service in Geneva till 31 May 2010. 

Reading the editorial in the Island of  Monday 20 July and ex-Ambassador K Godage’s letter to the Editor in the same paper, readers were left in no doubt as to  who axed Dayan - the Foreign Ministry and thus the Foreign Minister.  The question that came to this reader’s mind when the news broke on Sunday about the shameful fate meted out to this patriot (to Dayan by the .... Boggles)  was: "Are they mad; is the Foreign Minister crazy?" Is there no sense of respect, leave alone gratitude, for all that Dayan Jayatilleka did to stem the tide of rank criticism by certain countries and diplomats; and to make it possible for our armed forces to finish the battle against the LTTE with interference kept at bay. 

One thing I dare to pronounce is that it is proved the Foreign Minister can counterweiigh the President’s orders; can over-rule his decisions. This is done blatantly. Also he spends our money vulgarly extravagantly on his foreign trips on which he takes wifey dearest and family and others.

We hear and know about the nincompoops he has stationed in various dpl posts around the world and how inefffectual they are. 

E-mails came pouring in about the incompetence of the ambassador to the Court of St James who dared not say even the mildest boo to Milliband. One person who put this British FS in place was Dayan Jayatilleke.

So we have two Ministers who take the law into their own hands with impunity; cocking a snook at no less a person than our President. The insoluble puzzle is that they get away with any devilry with not even a reprimand. But patience is called for here from us who love this country. Nothing remains static, nothing is permanent, more so power misused and abused. We will dance like dervishes; light crackers an entire day and night when these two individuals meet their Waterloo, either at the hands of voters or cursed by the gods, whifffed off like so much chaff by indignant Fate.

Concerned woman

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