Sri Lanka the Hot Spot of Solar
Energy Applications – Prof. Dharmadasa

Sri Lanka has been identified as the `Hot Spot of Solar Energy Applications at two European Union solar energy conferences in Paris and Milan, a world renowned Sri Lankan born Professor of Electronics Materials and Devices who has been actively researching on solar energy over the past three decades, said.

Addressing the Solar Energy Symposium organised by the Sri Lanka Sustainable Energy Authority titled `Global Energy CrisisÉIs the Sun the Chosen One?, Professor I M Dharmadasa of the Department of Engineering & Mathematics Faulty of Arts, Computing, Engineering and Sciences of Sheffield Hallam University, UK, said credit should go to all individuals and institutes who contributed for the improvement of the solar energy.

He added: "My vision it to go for renewable energy island". He also said that there are many other products, related to renewable energy applications and these products should be manufactured within Sri Lanka as soon as possible.

Professor said to build a knowledge based, fully developed country, a buoyant research culture must be established in all disciplines and new inventions should secured and converted into socially worthy products.

He also said that despite frequently important inventions are made within Sri Lanka, the conversion of these ideas into marketable products are extremely low, he believes the intervention of the Government is a matter of urgency.

Sustainable Energy Authority Chairman Dr. Krishan Deheragoda, Power and Energy Ministry Secretary M M C Ferdinando, Professor Rahula Attalage of the University of Moratuwa, Professor Ajith de Alwis of the University of Moratuwa, Saga Training (Pvt) Ltd Director Lalith Gunaratne, APSL, UK Founding Secretary Rohan de Alwis and SL SEA Deputy Director General Harsha Wickramasinghe also spoke.

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