Public Seminar on the Draft National Transport Policy

The Pathfinder Foundation has organized a Seminar on the Draft National Transport Policy of the Ministry of Transport to be held on Thursday 23rd July 2009, from 08.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. At Sri Lanka Foundation Institute – Hall no: 2, No-100, Independence Square, Colombo-7.

 The Pathfinder Foundation a non-partisan, research and advocacy institute is organizing this Seminar in collaboration with The Chartered Institute of Logistics & Transport.

 Prof. Saman Bandara the main presenter will critically analyze the Draft National Transport Policy while Col. Faiz Ur-Rahman and Dr. Rohan Samarajiva will be making their observations on Logistics and Supply Chain Management, Improving Transport and Transportation policy, Lessons from Telecom respectively. The presentations will be followed by an open forum.

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