
Oh! that open manhole and my friend

One will have to look sharp when travelling on the road. An account of a shocking incident follows. An open manhole nearly took the life of a dear much loved friend of mine. She was returning home after work in a three wheeler when suddenly the vehicle went into an open manhole and she was thrown onto the road. She hit her head on the road, causing injury to it and severe vomiting and was rushed to the accident service where she was admitted. What a crime this is! That accident could have been fatal. All because of an open manhole. I heard something had been done after the accident. But to what use? The damage has already been done.

Something drastic has to be done for the safety of the general public. This accident took place on Tuesday 25th January around 5.30 p.m. near Wijerama/Bullers Road. My friend has been advised strict bed rest.

What could be done to prevent such accidents?

Yuonne F. Keerthisingha,



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