
Dismissal of Nalin unlawful

The dismissal of Professor nalin de Silva from the University of Colombo was held unlawful by a Labour Tribunal and he was ordered to be paid bank wages. The reason for his dismissal had been adduced some clashes with administration some other lecturers and several articles he had written to ‘The Island’ criticising the university administration.

The Judge of the Labour Tribunal delivering his judgement observed that the petitioner Nalin de Silva had been a clever and devoted lecturer and also dedicated his time to hold extra lectures for the benefit and advancement of the students. The official documents had revealed that within his twelve year service, he had served many more hours than what he had to.

The University had alleged that Silva had made a defamatory statement on one professor of the University. But the judge has observed that the relevant statement of the petitioner Silva was a mere statement of some information he has received, pointing out that another lecturer who made the same statement on the same occasion had not been questioned. It has been — that the charge sheet against the petitioner Nalin de Silva had not been sent to him by an authorised officer on disciplinary matters.

The University had alleged that the petitioner had misbehaved by shouting at another lecturer, Sujatha Hewage. The judgement says that this had been a mere argument and not any kind of threatening through the lecturer had made a complaint to the police against Naline de Silva.

In the proceedings of the case, Nalin de Silva had said the articles he had written to newspapers criticising the University, and claimed that he had the right to expression and that there are other lecturers who criticised University administration through media.

Determining that the decision to terminate the service of Nalin de Silva, the judge has stated that the petitioner Silva had no intention to disturb the university administration but to work for the betterment of the students.

Pro. Nalin de Silva is it present head of the department of mathematics, university of Kelaniya.


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